Station Eleven: a novel about life before and after a worldwide pandemic
What happens to humanity when everything and everyone is gone? Will the characters maintain hope in this dreadful situation? Station Eleven tells us how precious faith can be in hard times. The characters in this novel are build up with utmost care. Each chapter focuses one person at the time. Station Eleven gives an insight in life before, during and after a pandemic. This is scaringly accurate in the times we currently live in (I read this novel right before the COVID pandemic in 2020) . Humanity has collapsed but none of the figures in this story give in. The Traveling Symphony wallows purposefully throughout this novel. A captivating story from beginning to end!
In de nabije toekomst breekt er een desastreuze epidemie uit: wie de Georgische Griep oploopt bezwijkt daaraan binnen 48 uur zonder enige kans op genezing.